 Here is the detail work on the engine. Yes, it's that small.
 Painted the crankshaft and water pump pulley. The big one looks rough because the metal has texture.
 The rear main seal. No one will probably be able to see it, I don't know why I painted it. The water pump. Things are coming together now.
 The exhaust manifold and cover placed on top to visualize. This is the angle you will see it from once installed.
| I did some more paint work on the engine today, the water pump, the throttle body and injector assembly, the rear seal, the exhaust manifold and cover, the pulleys, some others, and the detail work on the engine block.
I especially liked the detail work on the engine block, it really looks nice I think. The engine serial number was indented, so I basically filled the letters with a small brush and wiped off the excess with my finger. It turned out real nice, as you can see from the picture.
The pulleys each had some rust, so I ground it off with the Dremel tool wire brush, and painted them satin black. I didn't paint the part that the belt touches, didn't think it was a good idea. I might put a red line on the pulleys for show, and I will paint in the timing mark notch on the crankshaft pulley.
The rear main seal I painted, although it will have a flywheel and transmission bell housing, so I don't know why I did...
I painted the exhaust manifold black, and the cover red. I think it will look real sharp, so long as I follow a theme. A minimalist theme, to be sure.
I took the pistons to the machinist, since I couldn't get the piston pins out myself. Back when I dropped everything off (head, block, valves) I realized I forgot valve stem seals, no parts store could have them before Christmas, but he will have them Tuesday! He said he should have it done Tuesday morning, and then I will be rocking away.
Praise the Lord: A family from church is letting me use their garage to install the engine and do some extra work. I should be moving the car in their Tuesday, and installing the engine Wednesday (hopefully). I will do the mechanical work to install the engine and clean it up, and I want to paint under the hood. I have to do some interior work, it is an old farm car and smells of mice. I will probably not do much with the interior besides removing most everything and washing it out.
I went to move the car today and a sudden blizzard stopped me. Turned out to not last long, but by then it was too late to go.
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